Issue 29, 6 November 2020, Week 4 Term 4
Dear Families,
It is wonderful to be back at work. I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Dorothy Raymond and the entire staff for taking over the reins during my absence.
Class Placements 2021
Thank you to families who have emailed me to discuss your child’s class placement for 2021. This is an important process if you wish to highlight any specific educational needs or requests to ensure we are making the right placement for your child.
We will commence the initial class placement process next week. This is a well-considered undertaking that carefully looks to place all students in a class that will best meet their academic and well-being needs.
We strongly encourage all parents to make contact if you have any important information to support your child’s placement. An email is to be sent to me at by close of business Monday 9 November. Please note, any requests once placements have been finalised, will not be considered.
Huon and Channel Athletics Carnival
Next week Grade 3 – 6 students will be representing our school at the Annual Huon and Channel Athletics Carnival. While this event showcases each athlete's sporting prowess, the Carnival truly highlights far more significant traits of resilience, persistence and team work. We wish our team the best of luck and lots of fun.
Pick Up Zone
It is great to see so many families using the Pick-up Zone after school. We would like to remind families that we supervise this Zone until 3.15pm each day. We encourage families to use the full time to ease congestion. We thank everyone for their cooperation and patience. We will be continuing to ask families to move on if the space is full to ensure buses can get through to the bus zone and importantly so cars don’t bank up near Church Street.
Kingston Primary School is now accepting enrolments for Kindergarten in 2021. If your child is 4 years or older by 1 January 2021, he/she is eligible. Please contact the school office by emailing or Ph. 62295728 for an enrolment pack.
Our Prep students went home very happy on Wednesday with their own new Hotshot Tennis racquet to keep at home and use to practise their hitting skills. For several years now, Tennis Australia have been giving Prep students throughout Australia a free racquet; the school needs to be a registered Hotshot Tennis School. Kingston Primary has been part of this program for many years, with students originally receiving a free tennis Hotshot shirt. In Physical Education we are working on coordination skills using equipment to hit and strike and will use the racquet kits we have been previously given by Tennis Australia.
The Uniform Shop now has small adult school polo tops in stock. The cost is $32.00 each. The Uniform Shop is open on Monday afternoons from 3.00pm - 3.45pm and Wednesday mornings from 8.15am - 8.45am.
The Department of Education recently announced that we would be expanding the Student Assistance Scheme for 2021.
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Service Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card.
Please note that if you are already receiving student assistance you do not need to complete a form.
For 2021 a new on-line form has been developed to assist with processing applications for new applicants.
The online form can be completed here:
The form will be available for public use from the 10 November.
Once a validated form is completed the Department of Education will confirm the outcome of your application in writing, this process takes approximately 14 days.
We understand this online option may not be possible for all families, so if you require a hard copy form please contact your school or or 1800 827 055.
In Unit H, we have been exploring a range of soils and rocks for our Beneath Our Feet Unit in Science.
We have been learning about the features of different soil and have conducted an experiment to see what happens when water is added to a jar of soil and then left to sit. We discovered that all the bits of leaves, bark, sand particles, sticks and plant parts completely separated from the soil and rose to the surface.
We have also been learning about the 3 main natural rock types: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. We have done lots of research on these rock types and presented our findings to the class. Using our knowledge and understanding, we’ve then sorted rocks that we have collected under these 3 categories.
We hope you enjoy our photos on the next page (Page 3).
Date | Event |
15 December | Units 5/6 Leppard/Ganeshkumar and Aitken/Hebden excursion to Moonah Bowl and Pizza Hut |
16 December | Year 6 Leavers' Assembly commencing at 1.45pm (Parent/Carer participation is limited to 2 adults per Grade 6 Leaver) |
17 December | Term 4 Ends |
Congratulations to Mrs Bronwyn Paine for reaching 25 years of service in the Tasmanian Department of Education. Under normal circumstances, her award would have been presented by the Premier, however due to COVID-19 the presentation occurred at an inhouse celebration at the school yesterday. A wonderful achievement Mrs Paine!